Short-Term Rehabilitation / Skilled Care
Short-Term Rehabilitation / Skilled Care
Everything about our care- the facility, staff, environment, and therapy program are designed specifically for those individuals who not only need rehabilitation, but who may also need to overcome complications that dementia brings to the rehabilitation process. Rehabilitation is much more difficult for individuals with dementia because it is harder for them to stay focused on the therapy. There’s also a significantly higher chance of resistance or refusal because he/she isn’t able to cognitively comprehend what is happening and why it’s important. Our Medicare certified rehabilitation team consists of physical, occupational, and speech therapists. Each discipline is uniquely qualified to make sure that dementia does not diminish or derail the individual’s program. Individuals are participating in therapy up to 3 hours daily, however, families take comfort in knowing the other 21 hours are spent in a quiet, neighborhood environment with caregivers who are not only socially engaging their loved one, but also providing quality dementia care.
Arbor Springs has been the preferred rehabilitation site for many assisted livings and assisted living memory cares. The Arbor Springs therapy team has been very successful in returning individuals to their pre-injury/illness ability, thus allowing individuals to return to their assisted living upon completion of their rehabilitation.