We Love Valentine’s Day!
Last month marked a full year since the declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic. We have been through so much over the year and have experienced loss, grief, and even hope. Now, it is safe to say we are on the other end of the worst COVID-19 has for us, but we would like to take a moment to thank every member of our Arbor Springs family for their tremendous courage. We couldn’t have done it without the love and support you all bring every day. Together, we kept each other strong and stable through the toughest of times.
Now that our vaccination plans are in full swing, we are all feeling a bit more hopeful. We even did some yodeling outside this month!! We are so fortunate to be working through these challenging times together! Looking to the future, I feel proud of how we all stuck together and where we are going from here.
“Earth laughs in flowers.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Adopt A New Friend
We foster cats through the Hope Animal Rescue.

Please visit the Hope Animal Rescue website for more info.
Want To Hear Something “Bunny”?
Check out this nifty craft for making some fun Paper Bunnies this Easter!
What you need: Construction Paper, Glue/Tape, Markers, & Scissors. (maybe some Googly eyes to get real fancy):
- Cut two equal strips of paper. They should be 2 to 3 times long as they are wide.
- With one strip, tape the two shortest ends together to make a ring. Do the same with the other strip.
- On one ring, draw bunny eyes, nose, and a tiny mouth (these can be whatever you feel a bunny face looks like). Googly eyes are also perfectly acceptable here.
- Take the remaining construction paper and cut two bunny ears and bunny feet.
- Now, let’s assemble the bunny! Glue or tape the two ovals together with the face on top. On the back of the face oval glue or tape the ears, and on the bottom of the other oval, glue or tape the feet.
- Now go take your bunny out for a spin (err…I mean hop).
What We’re Doing
Even with our vaccines, we still have to be careful and must keep our activities fairly similar to what they have been over the past year. We are doing a lot more family visits, which is amazing, and we all feel so blessed to be seeing our loved ones again. Stay tuned as things are changing. We are just moving slow to ensure everyone’s health and safety.
Some Ways We Stay Active and Engaged:
- Flower Gardening: Hanging baskets with annuals, we dead-head and water.
- 1:1 Activities
- Gardening
- Singing & Dancing
- Reading
- Music
- Margaritas on the patio
- Restorative Therapy
- Baking
- Reading & Writing Letters
- Manicures, Makeovers, & Hairstyling: The Barber / Beauty Shop is open again!
- Baking Club
- Residents Taking Care of the Babies in Evergreen & Birch
And as always, we are having great conversations together!
Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy are also still taking place. Please ask a staff member if you have any questions regarding this.

What’s Going On This Month
We continue to have much to celebrate. This month brings some fun holidays, some important ones, and a few timely ones. I have something special to say about World Health Day, given how the health of the world has been in front of mind for over a year, so make sure to check that out below. Beyond that, get your Easter baskets ready!!
April Fools’ Day – April 1st
This silly day dates back to as early as the 1500s. It has long been part of our culture and a source of great fun over the years. As you know, we always like to have a little fun around here. We don’t encourage pranks or other April Fools’ antics, but today is a great day to share a smile and a joke with friends and family. As long as everyone’s in on it 🙂
Autism Awareness Day – April 2nd
Autism is an often misunderstood and mischaracterized range of conditions that span many different identifiers and traits. Per the Centers for Disease Control, it is estimated that autism affects 1 in 54 children in the US. Today, take some time to consider those in your life that may be impacted by autism and think about what you could do to change their lives, as well as our nation’s perception of autism.
Children’s Book Day Friday – April 2nd
We love books! And it’s important to remember that while some books say they are for children, children’s books can and often are really for everyone! Nothing is better than a fun story that engages and engrosses you. So don’t be afraid to be a kid again and enjoy a children’s book today!
Easter Sunday – April 4th
This is probably the most festive of our holidays this month. And while Easter has deep spiritual and religious roots, it has become somewhat of a national celebration in our country that crosses many barriers. So on this day, have fun hunting for eggs, eating some candy, and doing some fun crafts and decorating!
World Health Day – April 7th
With everything changing so quickly, it is good to take a step back and think about things in context. While we may be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, COVID-19 has had a tremendous effect on all of us. It is important to remember that getting the vaccine is only a part of our whole health puzzle. Even in regards to COVID-19, there are many health factors beyond just the virus. There can be long-term effects of isolation on both our mental and physical health and as well as other side effects from COVID-19’s impact. So on World Health Day, let’s all remember to look at the full picture when it comes to our health. That’s the only way to be truly healthy.
Earth Day – April 22nd
We have spent a lot of time focusing on people during this health crisis. But let’s not forget the place where all of these people live. Right here on Earth! Remember to take care of our global home and do your best to be conscious about what you are putting into the earth and how you are a part of its intricate ecosystem.
Support For Families
While we strive every day to support our community, we know that the best thing at the moment is for everyone to be as safe and as cautious as possible. During this time, we encourage you to seek out and contribute to an active support group. Often it’s best to just give it a try, and see how it goes. Folks are often surprised by how much their ideas and their presence are beneficial to others. Helping others can be a wonderful remedy for the helplessness and loneliness we ourselves may feel.
Below is some information about how you can find the help and community you need while respecting the COVID-19 safety concerns.
- Check out some Virtual Memory Cafés at DementiaMentors.org.
- Try the Memory People on Facebook.
- ALZconnected is another great resource brought to you by the Alzheimer’s Association.
- AFA offers a free telephone-based support group on their Caregiving Resource page.
Hopefully, these tips can help your loved one and you succeed in maintaining your resolutions.
Happy World Health Day…How You Can Help!
As we celebrate World Health Day, now is a great time to think about how we can help our neighbors and community during this time. Don’t worry; it’s really quite easy to do something for your local, national, and global community…right from Arbor Springs.
Right now, the most important thing you can do is to get vaccinated. That will help everyone, especially yourself. If you haven’t received the vaccine, and are eligible and healthy enough, do that! Please find out how you can get your vaccine and go for it. That is the single best way to help with the pandemic.
Many of us have received the vaccine, so here are some other things we can do to help out! –
- Share your vaccine experience with others – talking about what it was like to get vaccinated helps others. Even if they have been vaccinated too, this new reality can be weird and even stressful. Sharing helps everyone adapt to this new normal.
- Check-in with people – as it becomes safe and if our guidelines allow, start to check in on people. This time has been and continues to be very mentally taxing. Making sure your neighbor, relative, old friend, or any other community member is doing alright can go a long way.
- Stay informed – while it can feel like we are near the end, there is still much work to be done. Make sure you continue to educate yourself about the current situation and stay engaged.
At the end of the day, this World Health Day is about respecting those around you. Remember to be safe and help your fellow neighbors stay healthy!
What We’ve Been Up To!
The Arbor Bulletin Board
We know this time is difficult.
We are all in this together…and we are here for you!
Please call the facility directly at 515-223-1135 with questions or concerns.
Happy Birthday! Let’s Celebrate Together!
Kathy K. – April 3rd
Jeannene C. – April 7th
Jerilyn C. – April 12th
Betty Jean J. – April 13th
Judy Z. – April 19th
Darlene L. – April 27th