Enjoying Our Summer Here at Arbor Springs
Hard to believe summer is almost over! We have been busy the last few weeks and hardly noticed that it is coming to an end.
Our garden is doing famously! Read further in the newsletter to see just how great things are going with our green thumbs. We even had some friends, little baby bunnies, visit us. They seem to love our garden just as much as we do…okay maybe a little more.
We also had a grand time at our Tea Party. Everyone looked so fancy in those hats! We all enjoyed sipping tea, catching up with all our friends, and topping it off with some banana splits. Having a good time is pretty easy here at Arbor Springs!
Once again we’ve got to thank our friends from Suncrest Hospice for bringing Bud, the horse, for a visit! Getting a chance to see this beautiful animal and take in some sun was a true gift.
“One must maintain a little bit of summer, even in the middle of winter.”
– Henry David Thoreau
Adopt A New Friend
We foster cats through the Hope Animal Rescue.

Please visit the Hope Animal Rescue website for more info.
Don’t Get Lazy – Keep Staying Safe!
Even though we have beat COVID-19 in our building, please continue to keep us, your loved ones, and yourself safe as we all work to heal our community:
- Continue To Respect Precautions – wash your hands, don’t touch your face, wear a face mask…keep up the basics!
- Don’t Stop Social Distancing – if you do see your loved ones, keep a 6ft distance, don’t hug, even if you have face masks and wash your hands. Keep any gatherings outdoors.
- Limit Gatherings – even better, don’t do gatherings at all. It is still best to limit contact with others as much as possible.
- Monitor Yourself – pay attention if you have COVID-19 symptoms and check your temperature often.
- Quarantine If Necessary – we all want to get back to normal, and especially with those we love. But please quarantine for 2 weeks after exposure or symptoms.
What We’re Doing
We are so proud of you all for helping with our precautions these long months. We know how much you want to get back to doing your more exciting daily activities. Believe it or not, we probably miss doing these activities with you almost as much as you miss doing them.
But we all want to stay healthy, and we have come so far! So let’s keep it up. All of our hard work is going to pay off! It already has!
Some Ways We Stay Active and Engaged:
- Flower Gardening: Hanging baskets with annuals, we dead-head and water.
- 1:1 Activities
- Gardening: We have radishes, carrots, beets, onions, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, green and red bell peppers, and watermelons.
- Singing & Dancing
- Restorative Therapy
- Baking
- Margaritas on the patio
- Art
- Reading
- Music
- Reading & Writing Letters
- Manicures, Makeovers, & Hairstyling
- Residents Taking Care of the Babies in Evergreen & Birch
And as always, we are having great conversations together!
Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy are also still taking place. Please ask a staff member if you have any questions regarding this.

What’s Going On This Month
There aren’t many national holidays this month, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a lot of exciting things to celebrate. These are great excuses to have some fun and to take time to engage with yourself and those around you in pursuits that might be a little bit different, but still very worthwhile.
National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day – August 4th
Who doesn’t love a tasty cookie? Celebrate National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day by having a yummy treat and maybe even ask for help making a batch with your favorite recipes to celebrate this day.
International Cat Day – August 8th
We love cats here at Arbor Springs! So much so that we’ve partnered with Hope Animal Rescue to foster cats for adoption. On International Cat Day this year, keep in mind these fuzzy friends looking for a loving home and a happy family.
Book Lovers Day – August 9th
With all the advances in technology and the popularity of social media, it is important to remember that many people still enjoy a good book. Today is a great time to dive into a new and exciting story, revisit an old one, or just get lost in a new world. Even a simple art or picture book can be great to engage your mind and pass the time.
International Left-Handers Day – August 13th
Celebrate those who are left-handed today! It’s always a good idea to find a reason to acknowledge the uniqueness of people. Also, if you are right-handed, try doing something with your left hand today. This is great for your mind and memory.
American Artists Appreciation Month
While most of us appreciate art in its diverse forms, many of us have an inner artist as well. And even if you think you don’t, you probably can at least do something creative! We’ve had a few crafts featured in our newsletters, so check those out and stay tuned for more. Making art and appreciating it is great for your brain health.
National Black Business Month
This month is a good reminder that there is always a way to support diversity as well as local businesses. Take the month to look at who you are buying from and why. Maybe you could make a small change and support diversity in local business. Like how you get your coffee or where you eat out every Friday night (or you know, where you order takeout from).
Arbor Care
While we are committed to supporting our community, we know the best thing for it at the moment is for everyone to be as safe and cautious as possible. Remember that there are still many ways to connect with those who wish to support and help each other. See below for more information about how we will be handling these meetings in the coming month. Thank you all for your patience and support during this challenging time.
Arbor Care will be canceled until further notice.
The Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group will not be meeting in person. Arrangements are being made to hold this meeting virtually. Once the details are confirmed, Sarah will reach out with how to sign in and join.
The Walk To End Alzheimer’s
The Walk to End Alzheimer’s is happening again this year on Saturday, August 29th. We always show our support when it comes to the research and treatment of Alzheimer’s and dementia, and this is no exception. While there won’t be an official in-person walk this year, there will be many ways to show your support and participate in the event remotely!
The Alzheimer’s Association is organizing these virtual celebrations allowing you to be involved no matter where you are. Walk on your own, join a team, or just post a special message as part of this important national event.
Download The App – The Alzheimer’s Association created an app to keep you looped in with the day’s activities. Most importantly, it provides updates on your fundraising and the progress of fundraising across the country. You can even track your steps if you’re walking!
Create A Team – One way to show your support is to start a team and do your own fundraising.
Join Our Team – We also have our own team here at Arbor Springs! Contact Nick Olmstead to find out more about what we are doing to help end Alzheimer’s.
Post on Social Media – Whatever you do, even if it’s just taking a photo with your loved one, post on social media with the hashtag #Walk2EndAlz.
Do Your Own Thing – We strongly believe in family and community. So whatever you do, it can be important just to spend the day with your loved one. They’re the one that truly needs your support today.
Join Our Team and Find Out More
Contact Nick Olmstead at 515.954.6827 or email n.olmstead@arborsprings.org
What We’ve Got Cookin’!
We love gardening and helping our community members see all the good that can come from their achievements. Once we had a successful harvest, it was a no-brainer to put all those yummy veggies to good use…PIZZA! Check out how much fun we had…
Make It For Your Friends and Family!
- Store-Bought Pizza Crust
- 1/3 cup of marinara sauce
- 1 cup of mozzarella cheese
- 1 tomato, sliced
- 1 red onion sliced
- 1 yellow summer squash, peeled into strips
- 1 bell pepper, diced
- Red pepper flakes
- Olive Oil
- Salt and Pepper
Step 1: Preheat the oven to 425 °F.
Step 2: Chop onion, bell pepper, and peel squash into strips. Marinate with olive oil, salt, and pepper.
Step 3: Top the crust with tomato sauce and tomatoes. Add half the cheese. Then add squash, onion, bell pepper. Add the rest of the cheese.
Step 4: Put into the oven. Bake until the cheese is bubbling, or about 8 minutes.
That’s all you got to do, and you’ll have a tasty pizza for yourself and anyone else you want to share it with! Or just yourself! ☺
Always Start with Great Ingredients…
…Finish with Some Friends!
What We’ve Been Up To!
The Arbor Bulletin Board
We know this time is difficult. Please let us know if you are having a physical or emotional issue. There is nothing wrong with letting us know you are having a difficult time with the stress and isolation of the current situation.
We are all in this together…and we are here for you!
Please call the facility directly at 515-223-1135 with questions or concerns.
Happy Birthday! Let’s Celebrate Together!
Stella O. – August 1st
Ken P. – August 9th
Jim B. – August 10th
Steve G. – August 10th
Arlan B. – August 12th
Athena K. – August 14th
Tim S. – August 17th
Jerry S. – August 18th
Hannah F. – August 25th
Yeye H. – August 27th
Enisa C. – August 30th