Share The Love!!
Unfortunately, Covid-19 put a damper on our new year, with our first case in residents identified on January 3rd. During the outbreak, our focus necessarily shifted to enhancing our infection control protocols and mitigating and preventing spread within the building. In spite of our outbreak, and the bitterly cold temperatures, we came together to watch movies, share some good food with good friends, and engage within our community as best we could under challenging circumstances.
With health in mind, February is American Heart Month. Be sure to read further in the newsletter for some good tips on heart health. But remember, as with any other health advice, always consult your doctors.
We look forward to a fabulous February – may it be full of good times, good folks, and most importantly, an early spring! Stay safe, everyone!
“Love is a condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”
– Robert Heinlein
Adopt A New Friend
We foster cats through the Hope Animal Rescue.

Please visit the Hope Animal Rescue website for more info.
Keep Your Heart Healthy…
This month, we’ve got a few healthful tips on some heart-healthy foods you might want to try. Always be sure to talk to your doctor before making any changes in your diet –
- Be a little less sweet – instead of regular sugar or other less healthy sweeteners, use maple syrup or honey. My new favorite recipe is banana bread with maple syrup instead of sugar!
- Go low or fat-free – switch full-fat foods like milk and cheese for low or fat-free versions. While they may not taste as good, they are great for your heart.
- Switch out the butter – look for butter substitutes such as oil and other spreads. Olive oil, coconut oil, and similar products can often be much better for you.
- Try not to fry – substitute baked for fried. We all loved fried foods, but sometimes a baked potato chip will do the job just as well.
- A WHOLE new world – try sticking to whole wheat grains and rice. Especially if you are cooking on your own, this can be a significant change in your diet!
What We’re Doing
We truly appreciate your grace and teamwork with adherence to continued Covid-19 precautions. We look forward to the day when we can have families join us in group activities again, at the dining table again and to have intergenerational activities with the school across the street, just as an example. That is the ideal community model for us, and we will get back there eventually.
For now, here are good things going on and ways you can get involved in your community:
Did you know? – Since the pandemic began in March 2020 until Jan 30th of this year, Arbor Springs has offered free meals to all employees during their shifts. This has been a wonderful added benefit, and boosts morale. Thank you to our dietary team for all your additional hard work every day in this effort to provide for others.
Coming up this month for Resident Engagement:
- We have The Arbor Open two-day golf tournament on Feb 16th & 17th
- Tie-dye
- Groundhog Gambling
- Winter Olympics Watch Parties
- Writing Letters with Love
- Resident Council
- Pizza Making on National Pizza Day
- Travel Africa Day
- Bird Feeder Maintenance on National Feed the Birds Day
- Love Song Sing-A-Long on Valentine’s Day
- Wine Tasting
- Super Bowl Parties
- Exercise Classes in neighborhoods
- Morning Bakery Stand in entryway
- Floral Arranging, and more!
Some recent Highlights of Resident Engagement:
- 1:1 Activities
- Watching Iowa State and University of Iowa games
- Reading and listening to audiobooks
- Delivering newspapers
- Movies on the big screen
- Caring for Bea our current resident cat in Cottonwood, up for adoption!
- Cracking up watching funny animal videos
- Helping to clean in the neighborhood
- Folding laundry
- Visiting with family and friends
- Sharing stories
- Coffee chats in neighborhoods
- Giving and receiving manicures and hairstyles
- Singing and dancing
- Listening to music
- Reading and writing letters
What’s Going On This Month
This month is all about our hearts! Our heart health and our love for one another and the Arbor community. Well…that and groundhogs. But seriously, love is in the air, and make sure some of that is saved for yourself. We have all been through a lot lately, and it’s good to remember to be kind to ourselves and others. Remember that while we celebrate this month, it’s essential to stay safe and respect everyone’s health concerns.
Groundhog Day – February 2nd
It’s Groundhog Day! Again. And while we all love the movie Groundhog Day, the most important celebrity today is the actual groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil. While we have little control over whether the little guy sees his shadow or not, we hope that he gives us some good weather! We could use an early spring this year!
Valentine’s Day – February 14nd
Remember to spread the love today and be kind to one another. Valentine’s Day is about so much more than romance! Today you can let your friends, family, and others know how much they mean to you with a gift or some flowers.
Random Acts of Kindness Day – February 17th
This is another day when we can show appreciation and gratitude for those around us, but this one is a little bit more….well…you know…random! Don’t be shy! Do something nice for someone you don’t know or don’t normally interact with. Small moments of kindness can do amazing things in our community and for those around us.
National Caregivers Day – February 19th
What an important day for Arbor Springs! Where would we be without our caregivers? They do so much for us, and today we would like to say an extra special thank you! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all our caregivers out there. For what you do every day to make our community and communities across the country the wonderful places they are.
American Heart Month
Your health is always a priority. And while there are many different aspects to your health, all important and essential, heart health does deserve a particular focus and a whole month! So this month, be sure to talk with your doctor and care professionals to see if you are doing everything you can for your heart. And read more of our newsletter for a few extra heart-healthy tips. (Yes, there is even more in here!) ☺
Black History Month
The deep and rich history celebrated this month is important to understanding our fellow Americans and ourselves as well. We are all impacted by this history; it shapes our lives and relationships today. So take a moment this month to read or watch or listen and learn a little bit more than you already know. If you’re feeling a little lost, pick up something by James Baldwin, Amanda Gorman, or Toni Morrison.
Support For Families
For visitors and families: Thank you for always asking how you can help. Here are some ideas:
Wear a nametag at all times – As a community, we want everyone in the building to wear a nametag, say hello to each person we encounter and call them by their first name. As an example: “Hello, Facia. Good to see you.”
Disposable nametags are available in the front entry, and at the reception desk – Nametags are a cognitive ramp for everyone, including those living with dementia. Write large and clearly for the most benefit.
Consider leaving a compliment or thank you for staff with a “Staff Shout-Out” on the front bulletin board – The form and pens are provided. Arbor Springs would like to extend a shout-out to Kim L. for blazing the trail on this! She began doing these for the staff in her Mom’s neighborhood last year, and it makes a difference. Give positive feedback on the things you’d like to see more of.
Some Important Montessori Education!
Valentine’s Day is all about love, but February also brings us American Heart Month. The heart is a symbol of love and companionship. It is also often the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of Valentine’s Day.
So for this Valentine’s Day and all month for American Heart Month, we’d love for you to show a little love to your own heart. Below are some tips to show loving-kindness to the most important muscle in your body!
Please keep in mind that everyone is different, and you need to consult with your doctor before adopting any health plan or changing yours. But these tips are simple and easy ideas of how you can incorporate heart health into your everyday life.
- Go to the doctor – make sure you are staying up to date with your medical plan and receiving the proper care and monitoring for your age and health. This is the first step to building an appropriate routine to improve and protect your heart health.
- Stay active – be sure to do your cardio! Getting a good cardiovascular workout is essential to maintaining heart health. Good exercises for your heart include jogging, walking, strength and resistance movements, and even stretching and yoga!
- Eat healthy – this is not only watching your weight and cutting back on food that can be detrimental to your heart, but also eating heart-healthy food! These include fruits, vegetables, and foods that are high in protein.
- Manage stress levels – stress can be awful for your heart. There are many ways to manage stress, such as mediation, breathing techniques, and talk therapy. Be sure to speak with your care providers about managing your stress.
What We’ve Been Up To!
The Arbor Bulletin Board
We know this time is difficult.
We are all in this together…and we are here for you!
Please call the facility directly at 515-223-1135 with questions or concerns.
Happy Birthday! Let’s Celebrate Together!
Bev R. – February 4th
Pat S. – February 13th
Lloyd – February 13th
Sharon O. – February 19th
Teresa H. – February 20th
Gracie – February 20th
Betty P. – February 24th
Staff Birthdays!!
Eleanor – February 6th
Gracious – February 18th
Holly – February 25th
Monica- February 23rd
Dzenana – February 28th