Happy Fourth!
It’s officially summer! And wow, are we ready for it! So while we’ve got some fun things ahead of us in the month to come, we had a pretty great June all things considered. We celebrated all our wonderful dads with none other than some tasty donuts for a perfect Father’s Day. What says dad more than some donuts!
We also kicked off fun in the sun with a wonderful Lemonade Stand and a special visit to Blank Park Zoo. Finally, we are even welcoming back old friends and have some new activities as we continue to adjust our schedule and plans. We would like to extend a great big thank you to Moments Hospice for collaborating with us to commemorate Memorial Day. Such a special day made even more special with their help!
Happy Birthday, America! Here at Arbor Springs, independence takes many forms. Read on to find how we help our community members stay independent. Happy Birthday, America!
“Independence is happiness.”
– Susan B. Anthony
Adopt A New Friend
We foster cats through the Hope Animal Rescue.

Please visit the Hope Animal Rescue website for more info.
Be Sure To Stay Cool This Summer!!
As we begin to have more summer fun, it is important to remember to please stay safe in the heat. Below are some tips to keep you and your loved one cool…
- Stay Hydrated – Be sure to drink enough water and have access to cool refreshments at all times; such as a water bottle, fruit, or ice.
- Wear Protective Clothing – Get your sunglasses, hats, and be sure to use umbrellas.
- Put On Your Sunscreen! – If you go outside, apply your sunscreen. Even a little exposure to sun can cause damage and be a health risk.
- Catch Some Shade – When having fun outside, be sure to have some available shade. Preferably with a comfortable place to sit down.
- Know The Signs Of Too Much Sun! – Watch out for headache, dizziness, increase in body temperature, weakness, muscle cramps, and abnormal confusion.
What We’re Doing
We are welcoming back so many friends and more! We had a great time with the return of Bill Connett and others. Keep checking in with us about our changing events and schedule as we open up a bit more. We are all so proud of our community, the discipline and commitment to staying safe as we get back to our new normal.
Some Ways We Stay Active and Engaged:
- Flower Gardening: Hanging baskets with annuals, we dead-head and water.
- 1:1 Activities
- Gardening
- Singing & Dancing
- Reading
- Music
- Margaritas on the patio
- Restorative Therapy
- Baking
- Reading & Writing Letters
- Manicures, Makeovers, & Hairstyling: The Barber / Beauty Shop is open again!
- Baking Club
- Residents Taking Care of the Babies in Evergreen & Birch
And as always, we are having great conversations together!
Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy are also still taking place. Please ask a staff member if you have any questions regarding this.

What’s Going On This Month
This month holds America’s birthday. And while we celebrate our nation’s independence, we would like you to reflect on what independence means to our community members and what you can do to help them achieve as much independence as possible. Read more in our Montessori section to find out what we do here to help those we see every day. Also, we haven’t forgotten…
International Joke Day – July 1st
Did you know that laughing can actually be good for your health? If you read our newsletter and blog, you probably do! On this International Joke day – tell a joke, listen to a joke, and laugh at a joke to raise your spirits. So make yourself or someone else smile today!
Independence Day – July 4th
Today is our nation’s day of independence! It’s our birthday and a celebration of everything we are and all that we hope to one day become. While it’s easy to get wrapped up in good food, good music, and good times, it’s important to remember to take a moment to reflect on what freedom and independence are, what it means to you, and how lucky we are to have the rights we do.
Bastille Day – July 14th
Why let America have all the fun!? We call it Bastille Day, but it is actually called “Fete Nationale” in France. This holiday celebrates the storming of the Bastille and subsequent victory over the royalty in the French Revolution. Not only is it celebrated in France, but all over the world. Not only for French people across continents but for those impacted by this victory for the everyday man and woman. Vive la France!
World Listening Day – July 18th
We mentioned this celebration in our newsletter last year but wanted to let you know again that today is a great day to listen to your favorite tunes. Listening to music is so much fun and can be very good for your health. In addition, it can brighten your mood and engages your mind while you do something relaxing and enjoyable. So while this is a fun day to celebrate, don’t be afraid to listen to music every day!
Gorgeous Grandma Day – July 23rd
So this is a fun one! When we heard about this commemoration, we knew we had to include it. Why? Because we have so many Gorgeous Grandmas at Arbor Springs! This day feels as if it was made for our community. So get your gorgeous on today…even if you’re not technically a grandma!
Family Reunion Month
This month celebrates, commemorates, and encourages Family Reunions. While these are normally a common and standard thing, given the COVID-19 crisis and all the precautions that followed, now seems a perfect time to recognize this important month of community and family connection.
Support For Families
While we strive every day to support our community, we know that the best thing at the moment is for everyone to be as safe and as cautious as possible. During this time, we encourage you to seek out and contribute to an active support group. Often it’s best to just give it a try, and see how it goes. Folks are often surprised by how much their ideas and their presence are beneficial to others. Helping others can be a wonderful remedy for the helplessness and loneliness we ourselves may feel.
Below is some information about how you can find the help and community you need while respecting the COVID-19 safety concerns.
- Check out some Virtual Memory Cafés at DementiaMentors.org.
- Try the Memory People on Facebook.
- ALZconnected is another great resource brought to you by the Alzheimer’s Association.
- AFA offers a free telephone-based support group on their Caregiving Resource page.
Hopefully, these tips can help your loved one and you succeed in maintaining your resolutions.
Montessori and Independence
With our nation’s Independence Day coming up, we thought we’d share some tips on how we use Montessori to give our community members independence. Freedom and choice are some of the most important things to creating a happy and healthy environment for our entire community.
Being independent is much more than the freedom to do the things you want to; it is the ability that empowers you to do the things you love. We employ Montessori to do just that. And while there are always limitations as we get older, the Montessori Method can help give folks some more options.
We take pride in our ability to help those who need it most achieve as much independence as they can. Below are some Montessori tips we use every day, and you can too. Either in your own home or when you visit with your loved one –
- Always ask – Inviting a loved one to an activity or anything else gives them choice. Being able to choose is as much a tenet of Montessori as it is an essential part of personal independence.
- Break activities into smaller tasks – this technique helps our community members get things done! Being able to accomplish something you’ve set out to do is very empowering and a key component of independence.
- Let them lead – Taking the lead and charging forward is just about as American as it comes. While we take it a little slow around here at Arbor Springs, letting our community members take charge as much as they can really brings out that independent spirit!
What We’ve Been Up To!
The Arbor Bulletin Board
We know this time is difficult.
We are all in this together…and we are here for you!
Please call the facility directly at 515-223-1135 with questions or concerns.
Happy Birthday! Let’s Celebrate Together!
Jack P. – July 3rd
Olga S. – July 7th
Anna B. – July 17th
Darlene E. – July 22nd